Wills Conference HERO

77th Annual

Wills Eye Conference

March 6-8, 2025
Philadelphia, PA


Thursday, March 6, 2025

12 PM – 1 PM

12:55 PM – 6:15 PM

6:15 PM – 7:15 PM

Wills Eye Hospital
840 Walnut Street, 8th Floor
Sara & Noel Simmonds Auditorium
Philadelphia, PA 19107

The Free Paper Session is an opportunity for Wills Eye residents, fellows, and other trainees to present original research.

The Free Paper Session is free to attend both in person and as a live stream. CME credits will be awarded only to registered conference participants.

The final program is listed below.

Please join us for hors d’oeuvres and cocktails in the 8th floor lobby of Wills Eye Hospital immediately following the Free Paper Session. All conference attendees, spouses, and guests are welcome.

12:55 PMOPENING REMARKS Zeba A. Syed, MD, Conference Chair
1:00 PMThe Association Between Neighborhood Area Deprivation Index (ADI) And Functional Parameters Throughout Their Care For Patients Who Underwent Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS)
Sefy Paulose, MD (F); Jacqueline Chen, MS;, Ting-Fang Lee, PhD;, Fabio Lavinsky, MD; Joel Schuman, MD, FACS [Glaucoma]
1:07 PMOct-Angiography and Visible Light Oct for Vascular And Oxygenation Correlations in Glaucoma
Riya Patel, BS (MS); Fabio Lavinsky, MD, MBA; Ronald Zambrano, MS; Hao Zhang, PhD; Joel Schuman, MD, FACS [Glaucoma]
1:14 PMGanglion Cell Complex Thickness To Remaining Macula Thickness Ratio: A Novel Parameter To Diagnose Glaucoma In Eyes With Myopia 
Ryan Lamrani, BS (MS); Ed Zhang, PhD; Fabio Lavinsky, MD; Gadi Wollstein, MD; Joel S. Schuman, MD [Glaucoma]
1:21 PMThe Use Of An Artificial Intelligence Algorithm To Identify Patients With Referrable Glaucoma Using Fundus Photos 
Moon Jeong Lee, MD (F); Catherine Lalman, BS; Ronald Zambrano, MS; Jonathan Myers, MD; Joel Schuman, MD [Glaucoma]
1:28 PMThe Association Between Neighborhood Deprivation And Structural Or Functional Parameters At Presentation For Patients Who Underwent Tube Shunt Surgery 
Kevin Zhang, MD (F) Jacqueline Chen, MS; Fabio Lavinsky, MD; Ting-Fang Lee, PhD; Joel Schuman, MD, FACS [Glaucoma]
1:35 PMDeterminants Of Oct-Derived Ocular Measurements In Healthy Rhesus Macaques 
Jacob Lester, BS (F); Ronald Zambrano, MS; Gabriela Schwantes, MD;  John Danias, MD, PhD; Gadi Wollstein, MD [Glaucoma]
1:42 PMThe Effect Of Tube Shunt Surgery On Structural And Functional Rates Of Progression 
  Jacqueline Chen, MS (MS) Fabio Lavinsky, MD; Ting-Fang Lee, PhD; Gadi Wollstein, MD; Joel Schuman, MD, FACS [Glaucoma] 
1:49 PMUsing Normalized Compression Distance And Machine Learning To Predict Changes In Visual Field Mean Deviation (Md) From 3D Oct Images 
    Loan Huynh, BS (MS); Ronald Zambrano, MS; Joel Schuman, MD, FACS; Gadi Wollstein, MD; Andrew Cohen, PhD [Glaucoma]
1:56 PMExploring The Predictive Utility Of Macular Octa For Visual Field Progression In Glaucoma 
Andrea Bao, BS (MS); Fabio Lavinsky, MD; Qiang (Ed) Zhang, PhD; Gadi Wollstein, MD; Joel Schuman, MD [Glaucoma]
2:13 PMTumor Location Of Uveal Melanoma And Impact On Metastasis-Free Survival In 1001 Cases 
Madison Woods, BA (MS); Randy Calotti, BS; Rolika Bansal, MD; Hidayet Sener, MD; Carol Shields, MD [Tumor]
2:20 PMEvaluation Of Metastasis-Free Survival In Uveal Melanoma Based On Ultraviolet Exposure By Tumor Epicenter, Stratified By The Cancer Genome Atlas (Tcga) Classification 
Charles DeYoung, BA (MS); Rolika Bansal, MD; Hidayet Sener, MD; Sara Lally, MD; Carol Shields, MD [Tumor]
2:27 PMAi-Driven Missense Mutation Analysis In Uveal Melanoma Using Alphamissense 
Mak Djulbegovic, MD (R); David Taylor Gonzalez, MD; Carol Karp, MD; Carol Shields, MD; Matthew Wilson, MD [Tumor]
2:34 PMEvolving Trends In Retinoblastoma Management: A Sixteen-Year Clinicopathologic Analysis Of Enucleated Eyes 
Ari August, BA (F); Carol Shields, MD; Sara Lally, MD; Ralph Eagle, MD; Tatyana Milman, MD [Tumor] 
2:41 PMOutcomes Of Monthly Methotrexate Injections For The Treatment Of Vitreoretinal Lymphoma
Aruba Zafar, MD (F); Sara Lally, MD; Yu-Bai Chou, MD, PhD' Carol Shields, MD [Tumor]
2:48 PMRhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Associated With Choroidal Melanoma: Clinical Features And Surgical Outcomes
Michael Nguyen, BA (MS) [Tumor]
2:55 PMImpact Of Iris Color On Patient Outcomes With Uveal Melanoma
Matthew Wei, BA (MS); Alexandra Zaloga, BA; Charles DeYoung , BA; Yu-Bai Chou, MD; Carol Shields, MD [Tumor]
3:02 PMThe Significance Of 5 Key Clinical Factors On Conjunctival Melanoma Outcomes 
Shannon Walsh, BS (MS); Sara Lally, MD; Jerry Shields, MD; Carol Shields, MD [Tumor] 
3:09 PMRhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment After Intra-Arterial Chemotherapy In Retinoblastoma 
Miriam-Benigna Amobi, MD (F); Yu-Bai Chou, MD; Taweevat Attaseth, MD; Sara Lally, MD; Carol Shields, MD [Tumor] 
3:16 PMA Closer Look At Tissue Glue: Outcomes From Plaque Radiotherapy In 13 Uveal Melanoma Patients 
Taweevat Attaseth, MD (F) Yu-Bai Chou, MD; Sara Lally, MD; Carol Shields, MD [Other]
3:48 PMOptical Basis Of “Monocular Diplopia/Ghosting Images”
Rena Xu, MD, PhD (F) [Cataract and IOL]
3:55 PMRecommendations For Pediatric Keratoconus Screening And Referral 
  Rohini Sigireddi, MD (F) [Cornea and External Disease]
4:02 PMDescriptive Analysis Of Cornea Service Directors In The United States In 2024 
  Omar Masoud, MBBS (F); Zeba A. Syed, MD [Cornea and External Disease]
4:09 PMRisk Factors For Corneal Graft Rejection Or Failure After Penetrating Keratoplasty In Eyes With Previous Incisional Glaucoma Surgery
Eric Lee, MD (R) [Cornea and External Disease]
4:16 PMPentacam D Values As Predictors Of Visual Outcomes In Intraocular Collamer Lens Implantation
Meena Zakher, MD (F) [Cornea and External Disease]
4:23 PMFactors Associated With Increased Mortality In Patients Exenterated Due To Acute Invasive Fungal Sinusitis With Orbital Involvement 
  Leo Hall, MD (R); Samuel Shing, BA; Narmien Murdock, MD; Michael Rabinowitz, MD; Jacqueline Carrasco, MD [Oculoplastics]
4:30 PMClinical Characteristics And Outcomes Of Gel Blaster Projectile Associated Ocular Trauma 
  Martin Calotti, MD (R); Turner Wibbelsman, MD; Randy Calotti, BS; Collin Richards, MD; Allen Ho, MD [Trauma]
4:37 PMThe Impact Of Personalized Physical Therapy Training On Wills Eye Ophthalmology Residents’ Self-Reported Neck And Back Pain
Hannah Garrigan, MD, MPH (R); Elizabeth Derham, MD; Christina McGowan, MD; Janine Tabas, MD; Frank Mallon [Other]
4:54 PMReadability Of Retina Patient Education Materials Generated With A Large Language Model 
Turner Wibbelsman, MD (R) Randy Calotti, BS; Martin Calotti, MD; Yoshihiro Yonekawa, MD; Allen Ho, MD  [Retina and Vitreous]
5:01 PMDisparities In Presentation And Initiation Of Anti-Vegf Therapy For Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: An Academy Iris® Registry Analysis 
Bita Momenaei, MD (F); Binod Acharya, MS; Qiang Zhang, PhD; Julia Haller, MD; Leslie Hyman, PhD  [Retina and Vitreous]
5:08 PMLong-Term Outcomes Of Pars Plana Vitrectomy And Scleral-Fixated Intraocular Lenses Using Gore-Tex (Polytetrafluoroethylene) Sutures
Luis Acaba-Berrocal, MD (F); Omesh Gupta, MD; Jake Matthew, BA  [Retina and Vitreous]
5:15 PMCharacteristics Of Patients Who Were Dismissed From A Retina Practice 
  Roselind Ni, BS (F); Bita Momenaei, MD; Olufemi Adams, MD; Jose Pulido, MD, MS, MBA, MPH; Jason Hsu, MD [Retina and Vitreous]
5:22 PMCharacteristics Of Participants In Retina Clinical Trials 
Theodore Bowe, MD (F) [Retina and Vitreous]
5:29 PMManagement and visual outcomes of endophthalmitis following incisional glaucoma surgery: a nine-year review 
  Sidra Zafar, MD (F) [Retina and Vitreous]
5:36 PMOcular Neovascularization After Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion 
  Nikhil Bommakanti, MD (F); Yoshihiro Yonekawa, MD; Jason Hsu, MD; Ajay Kuriyan, MD [Retina and Vitreous]
5:43 PMDelayed-Onset Recurrent Retinal Detachment More Than One Year After Pneumatic Retinopexy, Scleral Buckle, Or Vitrectomy For Primary Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Repair: Incidence, Characteristics, And Outcomes 
Jingwen Zhang, MBBS (F); Yoshihiro Yonekawa, MD; Taku Wakabayashi, MD  [Retina and Vitreous] 
5:50 PMIntraocular Foreign Body Presentation, Management And Clinical Outcomes: A Seven-Year Experience 
Randy Calotti, BS (MS); Martin Calotti, MD; Turner Wibbelsman, MD; Samir Patel, MD; Allen Ho, MD  [Retina and Vitreous]